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Lab Updates!

We’ve been buzzing with activity in the lab, and we can’t wait to share the latest updates with you! From groundbreaking research projects to new collaborations that are pushing the boundaries of what we know, there’s a lot happening, and we’re thrilled to bring you into the loop. Let’s dive into the highlights and celebrate the strides we’re making together!

We’re excited to bring you more updates from our team!

On September 16, 2024, Dr. Paula Barata was invited to be a panelist for the Postdoc Supervisory Excellence Panel, during the Postdoc Appreciation Week. The event took place in Peter Clark Hall, within the University Centre at University of Guelph, between September 16-20, 2024, providing an opportunity for faculty and postdocs from all departments to hear from supervisors who are excelling as postdoc mentors.

During Dr. Barata’s presentation, she reflected on her supervision model, which focuses on a Feminist approach that centres the mentee, is attuned to power dynamics, and fosters collaboration rather than competition.

Her experience and innovative approach inspired attendees!

Stay tuned for more exciting updates from our team!

We are thrilled to share the incredible success of our team’s participation at the 2024 Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) Symposium, held from June 21-23 in Ottawa. This year, the spotlight was on the CIHR-funded research project “Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence and Housing Insecurity Among Young Women and Mother During COVID-19 pandemic”, led by Dr. Paula Barata, professor in the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences, in collaboration with Lieran Docherty and Dicle Hann from WomanACT, Dr. Melissa Tanti, who worked at U of G’s Community Engaged Scholarship Institute, demonstrated how IPV survivors experienced housing insecurity significantly intensified during the global crisis. The data analysis was headed by the postdoctoral scholar at the U of G’s Department of Psychology Dr. Daniely Sciarotta, in collaboration with our team of graduate researcher students and community-engaged researchers from WomanACT.

As one of the outcomes of this work, our research group attended the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) Congress to present the Symposium ‘Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence among Young Women and Mothers during COVID-19 pandemic’ on June 21-23, 2024, in Ottawa, Canada. The symposium was moderated by Dr. Paula Barata and included the presentation of three papers: 

To begin strong, Dr. Barata moderator and co-author with Bina Patel, featured compelling presentations that shed light on the profound impact of the pandemic on housing insecurity among survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV). Dr. Daniely Sciarotta, a postdoctoral scholar in the U of G’s Department of Psychology, presented groundbreaking findings on the heightened housing challenges faced by women seeking help from Violence Against Women shelters and Housing Programs during COVID-19.

Adding to the conversation, Carey West’s presentation on ‘“Do What You Can”: “Creativity in COVID-19 IPV Experiences” co-authored by Nicholas Hennessey and Lisa Martin. showcased the remarkable ingenuity of service providers and survivors in navigating the crisis, offering innovative policy suggestions for community-based solutions. Meanwhile, Laureen Owaga and Erica Johnston captivated the audience with their discussion on “Knowledge Mobilization,” highlighting the co-creative process between academic researchers and knowledge users that ensured the study’s findings were not only relevant but also actionable within communities.

This symposium was a testament to the power of collaborative research in addressing pressing social issues and we are immensely proud of our team’s contributions to this vital discourse.

  • (a)   ‘COVID-19 pandemic and Intimate Partner Violence: Housing Insecurity’, presented by Dr. Daniely Sciarotta and co-authored by Dr. Paula Barata and Bina Patel, examined the housing insecurity experiences of women that needed assistance from Violence Against Women shelters and Housing Programs. 
  • (b)  ‘“Do What You Can”: Creativity in COVID-19 IPV Experiences’ presented by Carey West and co-authored by Nicholas Hennessey and Lisa Martin, highlighted the creativity on the part of service provision and mainly on the part of survivors during the pandemic to suggest policies in support of community-based solutions.
  • (c)‘Knowledge Mobilization’ presented by Laureen Owaga and Erica Johnston and co-authored by Dr. Melissa Tanti, showed the co-creative process between academic researchers and knowledge users produced study findings that were mobilized due to community relevancy.